I love doing shoots like this. This little boy was a joy to photograph, so much character and seemed so comfortable standing before the camera. And it makes it easier having a subject who can take instruction, unlike the babies…
First, I can’t believe where the summer has gone. It just seemed to disappear in a blink of an eye. I hadn’t intended on taking this much of a break from my blog, but I knew I couldn’t keep up…
I often get asked this question. And it is always followed by a lengthly discussion on the differences. Because there is a reason I charge more, for the same reason that a Mercedes costs more than a Ford and a Sony…
The Leicester Mercury last night featured this article on the subject. Coach crew dare to bare A crew of coach drivers and backroom staff are stripping off for charity. The men and women are hoping to raise up to £9,000…
Well another year has come and gone. Yet again we managed to get by with spectacular weather which certainly ensured that we had the maximum turnout on the day. In fact I can’t remember when it last rained on carnival day. It will…
I am so loving working with adults. It makes such a change being able to direct and have proper conversations with my subject. They say never work with animals or children and there is a reason for that. It is…
Well I did it. I finally got up the nerve to try photographing a man other than my husband. In the end the anticipation of this shoot was much worse than the actual shoot. In the end I thoroughly enjoyed it and…
This is the second year now that I have been a part of the Burbage Carnival committee. And since our new studio has been built we hold the bulk of the meetings here. Now that the better weather is here though,…
Some time ago I somehow developed a desire to be a speaker at the SWPP convention in London. Having been a software trainer/consultant in a previous life there were parts of that life I’d been missing. And speaking in front of…
This is an area of photography I’ve been wanting to do for years. While we worked out of our home it just wasn’t feasible. Since we built the studio, however, it has become a very promising aspiration of mine. And this week…