I finally did it, my first wedding. After years of saying I would never do a wedding I finally decided to have a go. I don’t know what convinced me. Maybe it was the thought that if I did one…
A week in the life of a Photographers assistant, is not all about saying cheese! I’m Hester Sharpe, currently at JCC but took a week out of normal school life on work experience to be a photographer’s assistant and learn…
This afternoon we set up our equipment at a local dance studio to take photos of the children in their dance show costumes. This is something we do each year for this studio just after their show to give parents…
We’ve recently done another one of our Clique parties. We’ve been doing our Clique parties since 2006 through word of mouth but we’ve only now decided it was time to announce this as part of our products on offer. You…
I’ve been meaning to experiment for quite some time with photographing children in their rooms. I was given the idea 2 years ago while at a photography convention and only now, during the Easter break have I finally got around…