I’m Back and its About Time

First, I can’t believe where the summer has gone.  It just seemed to disappear in a blink of an eye.  I hadn’t intended on taking this much of a break from my blog, but I knew I couldn’t keep up with regular postings with my daughter off school for 6 and a half weeks.  Still I hadn’t realised it has been this long.  Sorry about that.  It shan’t happen again (until at least next summer, I hope). 

Anyway, I’ve had a great summer so far which even included a trip to Turkey where the weather was fantastic (so much better than here).  I now see why the British holiday abroad each year.  You need it so you can get through a British summer. 

As you can see, I can’t get away from photography, no matter where I go.  In fact I even brought two cameras with me (but managed to leave the large lense at home).  I feel very uneasy without a camera, like I could be missing out on a great Kodak moment.

And I really enjoy collecting portraits of the kids so we can look back on them in years to come.  These aren’t all of mine, by the way.  We had friends staying at a nearby resort so we met up for a day, which turned out to be highly eventful when two members of their family ended up in the hospital.  It was my husbands great idea to see if they could get 9 people into a single raft down a slide.  Needless to say it gave me the opportunity to say I told you so. 

Amazingly though, nothing major came of it.  And the rest of the holiday was fantastic.  I would definitely recommend a resort with a waterpark.  It amused the kids for hours.  This was a perfect example of how some adverts do work really well.  This holiday was a direct result of my 6 year old asking for a First Choice holiday everytime the ads came on the telly.  I have to say, I am glad we went too. 

Anyway, it is back to work now.  Things have really been picking up over the past few weeks.  So I have plenty to blog about now that I have decided to make a determined effort to keep up with my blog again.  So I’ll apologise in advance for bombarding you with frequent posts

because I have a fair bit to blog about now. 

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