St. Bernard Puppy Portraits You’re Going to Love

One of the things I love about my job is that I get to meet wonderful people, spend time with adorable babies and children and I get to have amazing cuddles and play time with gorgeous puppies. I absolutely adore puppies. I’m just not a huge fan of the responsibility of owning a dog. So this satisfies at least a little, the urge to get a puppy.

Although the more I do dog portraits the closer I am to buying one, much to my husbands dismay and my daughter’s delight. But I’m just not there yet. And as much as I love this little guy, there was absolutely no chance he would win my heart over enough to buy him because this guy is going to be ginormous. He’s only 4 and a half weeks and already he’s rather large. For now I will stick with my 2 small cats. They are enough work and they cause enough mess.

I couldn’t get over how big this little guy is. He’s so young but already more than 13lbs. I held his paw expecting it to fit easily in my hand but it did not. It filled my hand which is one of the many aspects that makes him so gorgeous at this age. He’s not yet grown into his features.

Unfortunately I had a very small window to create these wonderful portraits. He was asleep within about 20 minutes of arriving and I was told he’d be out for hours. So it wasn’t a matter of letting him nap and getting back to it. We did what we could and then moved onto some sleeping images. But my favourites are the awake ones, not that he was very awake for any of them really. I had forgotten that young puppies are like newborns and do very little other than sleep.

I never saw myself as a pet photographer but the more I do the more I love them. It hardly feels like work. There is no skin retouching, no self conscious requests for digital nips, tucks and face lifts. Its just a whole lot of fun. I need more of this in my life.

If you’d like to capture your little one, whatever the age, please do get in touch. They are such a significant part of your life. Having something special like these that you can keep forever will mean so much one day.

You can contact me by either phone on 01455 610069 or send me a message through any of the links below if you’d like to discuss a session for your pet:


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