To Blog or Not to Blog? That is the Question.
Each year I have the goal of blogging, on average, once a week. That would give me 52 posts over the course of one year. Any guesses as to how close I managed to get????
45, thats how many and that was in a good year. More often than not I don’t even come close, like this year for example. Once you fall out of the habit its hard to get back in. So here I am now, trying to get back in but I find myself wondering should I bother?. Is this getting me anywhere? Is anyone even reading my posts? Should I carry on or drop this and alleviate one unnecessary stress in my life? Opinions welcome. Of course a lack of opinions will be quite telling also.
Years ago, when blogging first came about, it was deemed as a way of drumming up business. Regular blog posts keeps our content current and likely to come up in search engines therefore we are more likely to appear in a potential clients search for our services. Over time this actually became a really enjoyable part of my role as a self employed photographer. To be honest I probably like writing as much as I like creating portraits. But that doesn’t stop me wondering, whats the point of this exercise?
Maybe I could go one step further and ask, if I should carry on blogging, is there anything in particular I should be writing about? What would you like to see? Do you want me to carry on sharing my shoots? Do you want photography tips? Or lighting tips? If you read my blogs is there anything you’d like me to cover that I’m not already or anything I am covering that you’d like to see more of. I genuinely want to know. You can either leave a comment on the blog, send me an email or contact me via Facebook. I will leave my contact details below.
Thank you x
Well, that leaves the question of who the audience is? Is it portrait or training clients? I think this should be for your portrait clients, and you should be talking about the experience, the photos and the end products. And by experience, I mean yours and the clients.
If it's for training, well I feel that might be better served on a different site.